

Ken Follett


To Macmillan Publishers

Dear Sirs

I bought the recent book by Ken Follett "THE EVENING AND THE MORNING", ISBN 978-I-4472-7878-8 without any reserve because I've the author in great consideration and read all his works.

After few pages of reading I've been caught by surprise: extensions of text about sexual behavior and practices, all so vivid and descriptive that configures hard core pornographic stuff!

Even surprised that Follett  did this,  the more great surprise lays on the fact that You, Publisher's, didn't  alert Your customers for it.

The TV'S put alerts for this kind of things: scenes, texts or talking. 

If one wants to by a book texting sex, pornographic, erotic or the kind, he goes to a specif store. 

I'll alert as many people as I can bout this book - ISBN 978-I-4472-7878-8 - and, as for me, I'll never by again a Follett  book.

António Mexia Alves - Portugal

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